
Using google sketchup with 3dsimed tutorial
Using google sketchup with 3dsimed tutorial

Now while still in Select Tool mode hold shift key down and select all remaining segments of the pipe run line, turning them all blue, if they are not all blue continue till they are. Now with the Select Tool, select the first segment of this pipe run line, it will turn the segment blue. Once you have your arc you can erase all unneeded lines, and reduce the sides on your arc from 12"default" to in this case 6 to reduce poly's the triangle is there to keep your arc on plane.į. Using the Arc Tool, create and arc arcoss the 2 legs of your pipe run. Once you become better at this, the make a Triangle part can be removed.Į. Connect both these points with a line, making a Triangle. Now to define your Elbow/asure out from the bend equal, or as equal lengths.in this case we measured out 4' each side. for each elbow/bend in pipe make a 90 degree turn, or what ever angle is required.ĭ. From the Center of this Circle, using the Line Tool draw your pipe run path "From where your want it to start to where you want it to end.

using google sketchup with 3dsimed tutorial

To save on poly count reduce the number of sides your circle has, in this case from 24"default" to 6.Ĭ. Make a Circle, using the Circle Tool option on the surface your pipe run will begin.ī. Well here is what I do when making pipe runs in Google Scetchup.Ī.

Using google sketchup with 3dsimed tutorial